Friday, 1 April 2011

Alan gets into mischief

Alan had fun in 6JC today. He went out to play with Year 6 as usual but kept a little secret to himself and didn't let on to anybody about the mischief that was about to happen after play in the classrooom.

Mrs Short had planned a little surprise for the children in the class...
watching "Penguins"
Alan invigilating the test

Click here to see what mischief was made in 6JC. Alan told Mrs Conway that the funniest part of the whole caper was watching the pupils read the message on the IWB with confusion and then continue with their work as if nothing had happened. He said that he was very impressed with the work ethic and studious behaviour of 6JC as they continued to work hard and not be distracted by the stifled giggles and sniggers coming from the naughty teachers.


  1. Oh my goodness! I don't know who to tell off first - Mrs Conway for setting it all up or Alan for going along with it! Well done 6JC for not getting involved in such silliness!

    (Well done Mrs C - great prank ;) )

  2. I know it was funny that Mrs Short and Mrs Conway did a prank on 6jc on April fools day that we all had did to do a test on flying penguains at the end we realised it was a prank. All of 6jc did all the work for nothing but good one Mrs Short.

  3. I knew that it was an APRIL FOOLS watching flying penguins but still i had to use my brain for nothing.

  4. It was every funny
    good one Mrs Short

  5. Can you not tell from the twinkle in Alan's eye and that full time grin of his, that he's a cheeky little T-Rex?
    It was all his idea. I just carried out his wicked plan because his arms were too short to reach the white board.
    He was fair giggling along whilst you were all planning your writing. Naughty thing!

  6. Good trick Mrs Short but one day we will get you back for it.I can't believe we fell for it,there was big words on the smartboard,we all actually saw it but we didn't know what it meant and why Mrs Short wrote it.Why didn't we know that it was a joke.


  8. It was the best prank i had that day but i guarantee you that i will never ever fall for that prank again. Good work Mrs short.What will you come up with next APRILS FOOLS?

  9. Good one mrs short who would have thought we would fall in for that prank.

  10. We were so april fooled that we did not relise what the big words on the board ment.
